Monday, February 4, 2008

My Computer Doesn't Have the Audacity to Hope

I think that my computer is racist.

Every time I type the name "Barack Obama," it underlines it with that red squiggly line that screams, "You suck at spelling!" Oh yeah computer? What, does "Hilary," get that line? NO. Does "Clinton," get that line? And no! What about John McCain?? Oooo McCain got the red line too. Apparently my computer is a feminist liberal. Strange, I thought it was built by a rich white guy who's last name is Job - which would seem to me he is completely against the welfare system and liberalism.

So tomorrow is "Super Tuesday," aka CAUCUS DAY. For most of the states anyway. A select few, for some reason unbeknownst to me, have the privilege of voting early it seems. Molly said that if I have the audacity to hope I will caucus tomorrow. So I'd like to think I have such audacity and will be heading over to Grace Lutheran Church at 6:00 p.m. I'm hoping to show my computer its racist ways will not withstand America's audacity to hope for a good looking president...

(OK ok just kidding...:)


Mark said...

Foxes are racist.

Laura Ibsen said...

Hope takes work. That's why I'm cynical, remeber??? :)