Monday, September 1, 2008

Finding the Best Price with a Text!

Google continues to amaze me. Guess what I just discovered? So if you're looking for the best price on a certain product, you can text the word price, followed by the product (e.g. price Frye boots) at 466453 and the magic entity will send you a list of where you can find the best prices! 

Apparently they search zip codes, stocks, weather, movies and a bunch of other stuff for you too, all by text. Who needs an iPhone?? Here's the page with more info

I feel like this sounds like a magazine "best new find!" section. Probably because I was reading the literary wonder of "O" magazine a few minutes ago. It's my mom's, give me a break.

Just in case you were looking for another random fact about Google, I learned this one the other day. Apparently its brand etymology lies in the word "googleplex," which is defined as an infinite number, or the largest number or something like that. 

I start school tomorrow! WEIRD. I feel too old to be starting school. Oh wait, that's because I am....


Mark said...

I feel like I should comment on this just because I have a habit of doing so.

price love

Laura Ibsen said...

Bean, do you have all the pencils, trapper-keepers and protractors you'll need for school? I have a TI-85 calculator if you need one. :)

Laura Ibsen said...

PS. I always thought that book was called "The Portrait of Dorian Grey". Show's what I know.