Sunday, September 7, 2008

Finish Tango Queens

This was a discussion that took place Wednesday in class between my professor and the Fulbright exchange student from Finland.

Fulbright (during introductions): I’m Teemu, and I’m the Fulbright scholar from Finland.

Professor: Oh I’ve always wanted to go to Finland!

Fulbright: Why?  (class laughs)

Professor: Why? Well since you asked I’m telling you the whole story! When I was seven, Johanna (something I can’t remember the last name) was my best friend in the whole world and she was from Finland. And she would always go back and forth from Finland and bring back all this cool stuff and I really wanted to go to Finland!!

Fulbright: Johanna (again, don’t remember)?? Oh, she’s the Finish Tango Queen.

Professor: What?!?!

Fulbright: Yeah, well it’s not a very common name so I wouldn’t be surprised if it were her.

Professor: My childhood best friend is a Finish Tango Queen?? That’s crazy! I have to look it up! And call my mother!

I could not believe I was hearing this conversation. It was hilarious. My professor blurts out this random name of her long lost friend from Finland, and she happens to be a famous, well, Tango dancer, in Finland. Hahaha. So we looked her up in class, and it was indeed, her childhood playmate. Random random random, and thoroughly entertaining.

1 comment:

Mike said...

That's my aunt!!!!