Friday, August 29, 2008

How Not to a Comfort a Country

I saw this headline on Reuters today:

Cheney to give Georgia more U.S. reassurances

Yeah, I'm sure Georgia feels much better now, after being reassured by a man who accidentally shot his friend in the head. At this point, I think Georgia should take the advice given in The Onion yesterday:

The U.S. Strongly Advises Allies Not to Border Russia.

Sounds like a good idea to me.


Mark said...

I personally have never liked Georgia. It is one of my least favorite states and doesn't really do much for our country. I can't recall anything coming from there that was any good. But just like happened with Cuba, we shouldn't allow Russia to get too close. Personally, I think Russia chose to invade us by means of Georgia as they knew nobody would really care.

Mark said...

I am going to the post office now. I will probably call one of your roommates tonight to see if you're all doing anything that doesn't involve dancing.

Colleen said...

mark, i love how you are always the only one to comment on my blog with irrelevant comments:) And you did do something last night that involved dancing!!! AMAZING!

Mark said...

well how serious do you expect your comments on articles form The Onion to be? And last night I realized why I don't fit in at clubs. It's because I don't have a fake tan, a bunch of hair gel/spray whatever it is, and a button up shirt that remains unbuttoned for the top 3-4 buttons. On Tuesday I have to wear dress clothes and a tie to school. I'm not looking forward to it.

Colleen said...

well i only have one of the three stated criteria - a bunch of hair gel! please let me know if you need help picking out a wardrobe. the thrift store is having a 50 percent off sale tomorrow!

Mark said...

Colleen, I just want you to know, that at the moment you read this, you are having more fun than me. And I do not mean that this comment is so fun that I am just making your day. I mean that you will probably read this while I am in the midst of a 13 hour shift with the spitter.