Monday, July 28, 2008

A New Blog Era, The First Story

Even in its heyday (however that's spelled), I can't say my blog had a super-high readership. Now that it's been a few months since my last post, I'm pretty sure readership is down to zero. Never-the-less I am trying to bring back the confused twentysomething, and bring it back in a new and improved format.

Yes, the Confused TwentySomething is entering a new era. I've decided to use it not to write about my life, but to post really cool stories that I hear. There are so many inspiring and interesting stories out there, and I want to bring them all together! Alas, in my blog, they've found a place to belong. So this first story I heard last week at church from a man named Tony Campolo. I had never heard it prior to Mr. Campolo's telling, and it's definitely one that deserves to be heard.

How Bulgaria Saved its Jews

Not a single Jew died in Bulgaria during WWII, despite the fact it was a fascist and Nazi-allied country. There were a few reasons for this, but the following story represents the spirit behind them all.

One night during the war, SS officers corraled-up the Jews of Sophia, Bulgaria to ship them off to Aushwitz. Upon hearing of the action, an Orthodox Bishop, Metropolitan Kiril, and 300 members of his church showed up at the station where the jews were being held. They surrounded the barbed-wire enclosure.

Metropolitan Kiril pushed through the SS officers guarding the enclosure, and made his way to the Jews inside. As he reached the Jews he shouts one verse from the book of Ruth, that changed the destiny of the people and a nation: "Wheresoever you go, I will go!" shouted the Bishop, "And where you lodge, I will lodge. And your people will be my people. And your God will be my God!"

The Jews and Christians at the station cheered, and their cries reached throughout the city. The crowd surrounding the enclosure grew to thousands - all protesting the captivity of the Jews. Overwhelmed, the SS troops left without the Jews and never came back.

Bishop Kiril walked the walk - took Christ's words as truth and put them in action. Imagine what would happen if we all lived that same way.


Mike said...

Look at you miss blogger pants. I still read your blog, or should I say Google reads it for me and tells me when something's new.

Mark said...

Oh wow, did you just post this today? Am I reading it today? I am a super dedicated blog Mike!

Good thing you updated, I was just about to leave a comment about changing the name to confused30somthng.

Mark "big plans T.

Unknown said...

I read too!

Colleen said...

YEAH! People still read!! Mark what does Mark "big plans T." mean. And I resent the 30 something comment:)

Coley you are in trouble for ditching me yesterday...:) ha. Totally kidding

Mark said...

i have big plans coming up. i'll hopefully let you know thursday what is going on...or maybe you will see for yourself...or maybe i will not be there which means i am at martial arts and no plans have materialized.

i apologize for the 30 something comment. i was trying to make a joke. if it makes you feel any better...i'm almost old enough to be your dad