This is what I have learned in the past week:
1. Never say never. We are all capable of doing things we never dreamed we would do.
2. People are not always who you think they are, and can be extremely deceitful. What that doesn't mean, however, is that we should go around assuming everyone is like that. I really believe there are a lot of good people in the world.
3. Why Jesus tells us that we shouldn't judge. It's because most of us have no idea what we're talking about when we spit words and assume things about other people. Most of the time - only God knows why people act the way they do. Our job is to love people when they fall. I've never felt the sting of judgement so much, and it doesn't feel good.
4. We cannot get mad and lash out at people who hurt us, or others who talk without knowing. Turn the other cheek.
5. We shouldn't love the people closest to us for what they've done or their personality or even how they think. We should simply love them because they are.
6. This world is messed up. But we can heal and grow through the mess.
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