Thursday, February 11, 2010

Oh, Life.

I haven't written in awhile. Mainly, because my problems got a lot bigger in this past couple weeks than a pair of broken Uggs. My boyfriend and I broke a few weeks ago. Break-ups really suck. However, I'm trying hard to find the humor in my situation, which really does exist outside of the tears.

I mean, you should see my bedside right now. It's humorous. It's complete with a half-eaten chocolate bar, a broken wine glass, Benadryl, and a self-help book. I've woken up crying and unable to move so many days that my friend now has to regularly check on me around nine to make sure I've risen from bed. The first day, I couldn't even eat because that meant I'd have to stop crying long enough to shove food down my throat. I went home to stay with my mom for a night. When she got home from work the next day she found my lying in bed with the dogs, still. She said, "You have to get up. Do you want a new coat?" This tells you how desperate I looked. My mom does not regularly offer to buy me new coats.

Besides God's faithfulness of course, the one thing that gets me through horrible times like these is knowing that most people (including myself!) have gone through this before. It's amazing people's kindness when times get tough. Strangers buy me drinks after my friend's announce the reason why I look like I was just run over by a truck. Or maybe they're buying me a drink because I got a new haircut that looks hot. Hey, a girl can dream:).

Well, I don't really like to get too personal on this thing called the world wide web. However, I think there is humor in times like these, and that someday I'll be able to look back and truly laugh. Until then, I might as well have someone laughing at me. Forward march.


Amy said...

You forgot to add listening to sad songs about breakups and lost love over and over and over again.....

Colleen said...

Yes, I did forget that. I've been falling asleep to "breakeven" by the scripts every night. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Cheer up! The snow will be gone soon. The warm sunshine will come & help you smile & remember that there are plenty of people out there that want you to be happy.
(This is what I would want someone to say to me, so here it is!)
Smiles from Iowa

Anonymous said...

It's almost Spring, and I've got plenty more books. Just let me know if you'd like to borrow any/all of them :-)

Thinking of you; let me know if you need anything at all.

Peter G.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about the break-up.These are not my words but they help me when I'm sad. - No matter how long you are down, know that you will get back up. And when you do, where you will be is worlds better than where you are now -
xxoo Trisha

Just A Bunch said...

Just randomly passed by ur blog, & read this post. & i gotta say, it will pass. It's good that you wrote since this is one way of venting out. & about that guy, well, im sure ur better off, since he wasnt worth u. anybody who's not worth u, is not worth it. Not worth the tears & the pain.
dont get me wrong, take ur time on the grieving process, cry as much as u want to, but dont get too much of it. try laugh as laughter is a real healer, i say that from experience.

take care, hope u feel better sooner than u think & find the one that will let u forget all about the ugly past :)

Peace & L.O.V.E


p.s: im adding ur blog to my list ;)

Ashley King said...

just passed by your blog via "next blog."
we've all been there.
crying so hard, your nose stuffs up completely.
both nostrils.
you can't even sniffle anymore.

we've all been there....
trust me.
and the only thing you can give it is time.
so give time, time and it'll do it's thing.
you have my word.

and hey, at least you didn't catch your partner with your very best friend.
tell yourself this....
"it could always be worse."

because it can....

oh, and did you get a new coat? ;)

Anonymous said...

I also passed by your blog doing the "next blog" thing. We have a bit in common; in fact, the day you posted this (feb. 11) the one I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life broke my heart into a million pieces. for the second time. (I'm also a 20-something heading into grad school, scared out of my mind!)

Long story short, not all relationships are the same, but the healing process is. I hope you're doing well by now, as the sun has finally come out where I am (Michigan!) and I feel like a new-version of the person I always was.

I'll keep following your journey, feel free to stop by mine (I still complain every now and then about my broken heart) but you're right.. being single is fun! And, I'd totally attend your Life Shower at 30! :-)