My roommate and I always joke about the things married people say to make singles feel better for being, well single. Though they have good intentions, in reality most of the advice doesn't really help. Don't stop giving advice however, if you have good advice to give. You will know that it's not good advice if it sounds at all like the following list I've compiled of "Things married people say to single people." If you find yourself spouting off any of these lines to your single friends, please, for the love of them, STOP.
1) You'll find someone if you just stop looking.
--Oh really? THAT'S why online dating sites are so popular and relatively successful. Because no one using them is looking!
2) You have to be happy with yourself before you can be with someone else.
--Ok while yes, you have to be happy enough being single that you won't go for any loser that comes your way, I'm sorry, it's relatively impossible to be like, totally happy about being lonely at night, or going on the umpteenth bad date of the year. The only reason married people say this, is because they forgot what it felt like. I'm convinced.
3) If I weren't married, I'd be totally happy being single.
--That is just false. False, false. You're married. How would you know? If you were really that happy single, you wouldn't be married. Just saying.
4) God has to be enough for you
--PLEASE! Yeah, in an ideal world. But God made us for companionship, plus this line makes me feel like I'm a horrible Christian for not wanting to be single my whole life. Don't ever use this line. Thank you.
Now I realize there is a some truth in all of the above lines. And no, being single is not all that bad really. But it will be if people continue to throw bogus lines at me. If I've missed any other lines, please let me know. I am eager to add them to my collection.
Peace out.
Annoying couple comment #5: "You know, you should've stuck with ___ (insert name of an ex)."
Oh my god that one drives me insane. Why do you think we broke up?!
I'm competing with my friends about the blog. so I beg participation
I've been working on that God one...but I pray for my husband.
I’ve been in a relationship for years now, unmarried, but I don't console people for being single. I do, however, catch the advice they're given. A popular one is "I bet Mr. Right is right under your nose". Another one is “Why don’t you try and think outside the box?” Talk about vague.
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