OK I just had to share this headline because I thought it was so ridiculous. It's from ABC News, which isn't exactly like the worst news source in the world. Anyway this is the headline:
Mall Reopens After Deadly Massacre
Oh really? I thought that it was a non-deadly massacre. I'm glad you used the proper adjective or I would have been so confused.
I have been so annoyed with the way the media has been covering this Omaha thing. The headlines have just been so dramatic. Yes, I understand that it was a horrible thing and a huge deal. But its like the media has to glamourize the horror. Oh --- and so apparently the killer said that now he would be famous in his suicide note. Well I'm glad the media fulfilled his dreams! DUMB. Don't cover him saying that now you're just going to inspire more people to do stupid selfish acts like that for "fame."
Hmph. I'm annoyed and now going to sleep.
If a man is shot in the city and nobody is there to report about it, do people still care? (no) I hate the media...I didn't even know about the shooting until about 3 days later because someone happened to have the early news on at work...and I was like...hmm...a shooting, that sucks...hey, time to go home!
I long for the days of no 24-hour news, when the stuff they crammed into the 30-60 minutes of news allotted for the evening had to be a big deal. Now we've got 24 hour news stations that present us with things like...Britney's custody battle, and famous people who are famous for being famous *cough* Paris *cough*...as well as completely and utterly uninteresting daily life stories about candidates OVER A YEAR BEFORE THE ELECTION! *sigh*
But let's be honest...what the news reports is only a reflection of what it's viewers want to see.
There's a difference between Entertainment Tonight and CNN...
Headlines are funny though. I laugh at at least one each morning. I like the coining of "global warming gases." Oh, you mean CO2? Hey look, this model rocket runs on global warming gas!
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