Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Good and the Bad, Live from Mpls

First, let's start with the good. I just found out Thomas Friedman is from Minneapolis. NICE. He's like the smartest man I read in the New York Times. That makes two prominent NYT writers Minneapolis Natives; him and David Carr. So they seem to be saying I have a chance.

Also good, it appears that John McCain cleaned up his act when he visited Lakeville yesterday. He actually stood up to ridiculous attacks on his opponent. Which now leads to the Bad, live from Minneapolis.

Apparently, among other ludicrous comments, a women raised this concern at yesterday's McCain rally: She told McCain that she couldn't trust Obama because he was an "Arab."

Are you F-ing kidding me???? I am ashamed to be in the same geographic region as someone like that. Props to McCain though (even though I would NEVER vote for him), he replied: “No, ma’am, he’s a decent family man, citizen who I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues. And that’s what this campaign is all about.” Thank God he actually stood up to blatent racism. Whole article found here.

Okay, I'm going to go practice my Arabic now. I know, be afraid. Be very afraid. Masaalama.


Mike said...

1/2 Kenyan is not arab :(

Colleen said...

I bet that woman was confused about the Kansas grandmother part. She seems really Arab.

Mark said...

I wish I were studying Arabic instead of memorizing all the details of every muscle of the leg.

Did you know you have a popliteus? Well you have two of them!