Friday, October 23, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away & Halloween Blues

What's going on here? Do I live in Seattle? It's been raining for like, all of October. I don't think I've ever kept my umbrella in my schoolbag before. I just sounded like a second grader when I said schoolbag. Oh well.

Ok, let's transition to Halloween. I have always been really annoyed with Halloween. It takes so much effort to come up with a costume, and I'm forced to once a year. Usually, I just throw something stupid on the day of, but this year, I feel obligated to think out my false persona for once.

How do people come up with good costume ideas? I have no idea. Everything I think of either requires too much money, too much effort, or is really lame. Last year, I was an ex-pat. It was kind of stupid. My friends came up with killer ideas. Four of them were the perfect representation of John and Cindy McCain, and Sarah and Todd Palin. I had a colorful sheet wrapped around me.

Something's gotta give. Perhaps it will this year. I have plans to attack the Salvation Army downtown tomorrow, in hopes to find Halloween costume gold. Wish me luck.


Mike said...

I was just thinking, "this must be what it's like to live in Seattle" this morning on my way to work! I counted 4 sunny days in the past 25. LAME.

Anne said...

You should go as a Roman goddess. Maybe your hairdresser still has the toga you wore for your photoshoot.

crystal said...

Coming from someone who does live in Seattle, Im sorry about the sucks!