Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Time Lows, Delivered Straight to my Mailbox

Ahhhh. I cannot handle this anymore! Yesterday I received the most unethical piece of direct mail I have ever received - from the MN GOP. Now, you all know I have my "liberal biases," but seriously, this piece of mail is ridiculous. I'm white, and I'm completely offended. I don't understand why either party thinks it is ever okay to play off of people's ignorant, racist fears to win votes. Before I start rambling, let me make it visually clear what exactly, I am so irate about.
Here's the front, and inside of this little piece of bigoted joy that greeted me yesterday:

What comes to mind when you see this?! I think it's horrible, from a supposedly-legitimate organization! I wrote a letter, condemning their "subtle" racism and perpetuation of false fears, ha:

Dear GOP Chairman -
Today I received a political ad in the mail that deeply disturbed me. The ad is sponsored and was produced by the MN GOP and I have attached it for your reference. I may have voted Republican in the past, but the absolute lack of ethics that went into the creation of this mailer has persuaded me once and for all to definitely not vote Republican in this election. I am ashamed of your party for allowing this piece of direct mail.

Before I describe the offensiveness and racism embedded in this ad, please, do not email me back expressing how you never intended this ad to be viewed in this way. That would be a complete lie and I'd rather hear nothing back at all. Anyway, onto the ad.

First of all, with this ad, you are playing on people's illegitimate, ignorant fears that Obama is a terrorist. Don't you realize how these fears infuse racism in our country? You are essentially, calling Obama evil on the cover of this flyer, by saying we need to "look evil in the eye;" text that is placed directly over a image of someone who resembles Bin Laden, but who's skin is suspiciously darkened to also resemble a black man. Obviously, the black man that readers automatically think of is...Obama. What is that inferring? It's inferring that Obama is associated with terrorists. This is ridiculous; completely unethical. Especially since you are inciting uneducated fears and PERPETUATING people's lack of education and RACISM for your own means. The ad only gets worse as I flip it open. For you have three, once again darkened, images of the three of the most feared leaders: Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong, and I believe Putin. Once again, you are playing on racism by darkening all of these leaders. Not only that, you are actually comparing Barack Obama to these leaders. Way to be responsible, I thought Republicans were interested in advancing America, not playing upon racial fears and bringing us back to Jim Crow-era ideologies. I cannot even express enough my disgust at these tactics.

Personally, I would ask that for the sake of the reputation and integrity of your party, you immediately revoke this ad from circulation.
Thank you for reading about my concerns.

I received a one line back from someone at the GOP. They said "The racism you perceived is just that, perceived."

Well, little does he understand - or more likely - understands far too well, that perception, my friends, is everything.

Take a stand. End this useless perpetuation of fear, driven by shallow stereotypes. Seriously.


Mike said...

I can't wait for the election to be over. Every piece of mail and ad on TV makes me mad. I'm getting an ulcer.

Colleen said...

you're telling me!!!! Seriously! It's emotionally weighing on me. I am so sick of being pissed!! haha. I'm glad you can relate, well, you know, kind of I gues.

Anne said...

The one thing I retained from studying PR: perception is reality. I'm thankful I live in Portland, Oregon where this crap would never fly. Someone would tie themselves to a tree in protest.