Coming from the genre that gave us songs like "I'm not Cool, But That's Ok, My God Loves me Anyway," I can't say I was in total disbelief of this new song. I expected someone with lame musical taste recorded it, like maybe that guy who made the 'I'm Not Cool' song. Imagine my disbelief, when I discovered the song comes from one of the few Christian male singers I actually like; Bebo Norman. His song is actually called "Britney." You can listen to it here.
So surprisingly, the song is fairly low on the cheese factor. Well, besides the fact it's called "Britney." I was prepared to rip it a part, but it actually really isn't that bad. I mean, it is relaying a very true message. However, it still weirds me out. Mainly, because it is a song addressing Britney Spears via the Christian-radio airwaves of America. That is awkward.
Here are some of the lyrics in case you aren't motivated enough to listen to the song:
Britney im sorry for the lies we told
we took you into our arms and then left you cold
britney im sorry for this cruel cruel world
we sell the beauty but destroy the girl
britney im sorry for your broken heart
we stood aside and watched you fall apart
im sorry we told you fame would fill you up
and money moves the man so drink the cup
britney im sorry for this cruel cruel world
we sell the beauty but destroy the girl
britney im sorry for your broken heart
we stood aside and watched you fall apart
im sorry we told you fame would fill you up
and money moves the man so drink the cup
As I said, they could be cheesier. Looks like "I'm Not Cool," still tops the Worst Songs Ever list. I was fairly certain this one was going kick it out of it's spot. Oh well. What can I say, except for Britney, I'm sorry I wrote this blog.
Thanks for the shout out, Colleen. The song has a nice melody and it also has a good message, but I just couldn't deal with the fact that it was about Britney Spears. Do you think we could stomach it if it were about a generic girl? A Jane Doe, if you will? :)
Exactly my thoughts, Anne. Thank you for pinning the tail on the donkey, if you will. I indeed, think I could stomach it if it were about a Jane Doe, if you will. Or, in the case of Roe vs. Wade, a Jane Roe, if you will.
I believe you just set a record for using the phrase "if you will" the most times in a single paragraph. :)
i'm sorry i read this blog. did they play it at the upper room? or how did you hear this in the first place?
Sharing the joy of a loving God makes the biggest impact when it isn’t generic. God loves Britney and he died on the cross for her too. When the media builds up a star and tear them down and the public goes along for the ride there should be an apology. If the Christian aren’t willing to apology who will and when will the industry stop lying to young innocent girls only to destroy them?
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