I am not sure of the prior context to this comment, but the conversation continued by her saying that a journalism career wouldn't allow her to have a family for at least ten years after college, since it takes that long for you to establish yourself.... and, what age do you graduate college at?
(Insert five second break to mathematically figure it out)
Ouch. The answer is 22. That means you won't be ready for a child until age 32!! Quick! Switch majors while your future child still has the potential to be born without a fifty percent increased chance of having down syndrome!
Then, the guy next to her chimes in that 25 is a good age to get married.
I agree. Not a bad age.
Oh college.... a time when I thought I could actually plan out my life. Personal life included.
They have so much to learn...
I've secretly been secretly sabotaging my relationships until I turn 27, my idea marriage year!
Colleen, I like how you go from a blog about trying to get a married man to marry you to a blog like this one. Geez. And Mike, I have been secretly...or not so secretly, not talking to girls until I turn 30. That is my marriage year. Well actually I just got a number from una chica caliente right after meeting her. She just gave it to me. Oh well, I'll call her in three years.
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