Sunday, March 15, 2009

Love & Relationships Part I

Yesterday, I stumbled out of bed into a living room full of curling irons, mimosas, make-up and excitement. It was wedding day on Girard Avenue, and the bride and bridal party were up bright and early organizing and beautifying in preparation for the afternoon/evening festivities.

Everything went amazingly. It was SO FUN. I wish I were still at the reception now. It was a night I never wanted to end.

Alas, like all good things, the night did end. Consequently, I am no longer at the reception, but in a living room devoid of curling irons and cinnamon roles, and Anna no longer lives upstairs but in Fargo. This blunt reality has inspired me to stop rambling about wedding bliss and instead express my relational frustrations. Hey, it's my blog and I can say what I want to.

So here I go.

I don't understand how people actually find each other. How does it happen? There are like, a million, hurdles that have to be overcome for two people to fall in love and get married. Here is a short list:

- First, you have to find someone they actually like/love
- Then, that person has to like you back
- Then, someone has to 'make a move' so to speak
- From here, and actual relationship can ensue, if you actually have
- the same values, and
- it's the right time, and
- the desire for the same things out of life
- are in the same place
- good communication skills
- Finally, you can get married. Whew.

See. There are a lot of difficult steps in this dating/marriage process. I gave up dating about.... uh, two years ago now because I can't handle any more relationships ending at step one, two or three. Ok I didn't really give up dating, I just haven't dated. Same difference. It is frustrating, and disappointing.

I guess my frustration and disappointment isn't all that bad though, for it's made me realize that love - real love that actually works - really is a miracle. I am not trying to be cheesy, but it's true. Love has to be a miracle, because there is just so much standing in its way. It doesn't really flow with the whole 'survival of the fittest' theory. Love should have died out with Lucy (oldest human-type found in Africa) if that were the case. But it didn't, because some people still get married, and have good marriages.

I'm definitely happy right now and far from desperate, but who knows, maybe someday, I'll actually be in one of those relationships that are good for you and work out. Ha. Well, anything is possible - I've been to too many weddings lately to not believe in miracles.


Mike said...

It's even weirder that two people will like each other... at different times and the timing doesn't work out. I agree, it's kind of a miracle when it works out.

Mark said...

Colleen, wanna go on a date? I don't think we meet too many of your eight or so criteria. But we live in the same place if that's what you meant. And YADA YADA I counted as us having in common as well. So if there were 8, then that's 25%!!! Which would be really bad if it were a score on an exam...but if it were your chances of winning the lottery....take it! hahahahahhaha

Brett said...

Sometimes the right thing just happens. That probably doesn't make any sense, but neither does love.

Look at me. Reading blogs at 1am on a Thursday. Does that make any sense?

I think it is time for bed.