Wednesday, September 5, 2007

It's an Exciting Moment in My Life!

Britney Spears is back! Ha ha. She's got a new song - and you know what, I actually like it. Yes! I knew her reign wasn't over. Check it out


Mark said...

And something funny. You have that "where will life take me" picture at the top of your blog. For about two months I thought that was your latest post so I missed all your blogs. I've since read them.


Brett said...

Shouldn't you be working?

Laura Ibsen said...

Colleen - you just need to get a job working for Brit doing her PR stuff. That's what I would say if I were your career councelor.

Mike said...

Well, I'm not sure if she's back. Her music was always 40% music and 60% sex appeal. We'll see how her music video goes...

Colleen said...

They can airbrush it so I'm sure it will be fine:)

And hopefully it won't make millions of teenagers want to have two children in order to get a fake body like hers...