Tuesday, December 4, 2007

What Up.

What up. Yeah I haven't been writing a lot lately because I've been busy writing whatever else I write. I just know I'm going to go blind at age 35 from staring at computer screens for hours on end on a daily basis.

Well good news in the hood. I skyrocketed my GRE score yesterday! Woohoo. I think perhaps I was just freaking out the first time I took it. Fortunately, my quantative stupidity was a false alarm - I am, in fact, average:).

Other weekend events include the realization that Cristina is going to Congo. She is leaving in February! Crazy stuff. The fighting there continues to get worse and it's just a tragic situation that seems relatively ignored by the world. Perhaps because there are so many areas of need demanding peoples' attention.

I am so unmotivated to work today. What's new. Ok subject change - so the Teddy Bear teacher in Sudan was released to Britain this weekend. I am assuming most people have heard of this situation. I just have to say one thing. I really feel sorry for all the moderate Muslims out there - because it seems that their religion is just being made a mockery by the fascist extremists. And the world is really sick of these extremists. Oh, what are you going to do I guess.


Mike said...

I don't think getting an average score on the GRE means you're of average intelligence. The average person doesn't even try to go to grad school. There are a lot of dumb people in the south that bring the average way down, you're way above average in the US. And the US is a smart nation. I bet we could find a country where you're the most intelligent person. You should take it over.

Mark said...

Yes, people who take the GRE are probably the smartest people around. So you are average amongst the smartest people in the world.

Today I signed up for an additional two years of school. I'm not sure how I feel about it. When I graduate I will have completed almost ten years of post HS education...all without ever taking the GRE or getting a masters. My younger sister will be a doctor by the time i'm a community college grad. yikes. ok, done ranting in your comment section.

Colleen said...

Mike - Isn't average good enough for you!!??

Mark - So where did you sign up for another two weeks of school? And um, does that mean you're not leaving MN for awhile. sweet.

Mike said...

nothing's good enough for me :) We're young, we still have 40 more years of getting smarter a head of us.