Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Life Shower

I have a bone to pick.

I think that if you are still single by the time you turn 30, people should throw you a "life" shower. For this life shower, you should receive the wide-array of nice domestic items that married people receive for their weddings.

I mean, why should married people get all the fun & nice stuff. They already get the love of their lives, plus a stunning array of Williams Sonoma bakeware. For those who are single, it's like, "sorry, you have to be alone, and stuck with your grandmother's second-hand dishes from 1975. Have fun with that!"

I feel as if this is wrong. We no longer live in an age where people get married at age 22 as their starting out on their domestic lives. No, most of us are well-established before we get married, or rather, if we get married these days. Consequently, married people should not have all the fun!

If I'm single when I'm 30, I am throwing myself a life shower. I will make all my friends come. Yes, I will look pathetic roaming around Macys, little register remote in hand, by myself. And perhaps even more pathetic when the clerk asks me when I'm getting married and I reply, "I'm not." But, at least I will have the same hosting capacity as my married friends. Crate & Barrel dishes and all! So there.

Anyway, just an idea. And a rant. Onto another run (which is going great btw, weeee!).


My New Life said...

That is the funniest thing I have read all day. Thanks I needed that! You could just move and have a house warming party, just a thought. :)

Mike said...

Totally agree. I didn't realize this phenomenon even happened until we got engaged. I was like, "wait, I get a $400 set of pans?". I'll give you a nice setting of china for your life party, but then don't frown when I don't give you anything at your actual wedding!

Anne said...

Colleen -- this is a Sex in the City episode. Catch up on your pop culture. I'm disappointed in you for not knowing this.

Colleen said...

Well way to ruin my shine. Maybe I should have been a writer for Sex and the City then. Someone pay me.

SK said...

Thank you Anne! I was totally going to call you out for stealing blog topics from SATC! Ha. Are you on season 4 yet? I would totally register for shoes...

Colleen said...

I have reached like a three episodes in season 4. When is this elusive episode that I should have written??

Alle said...

I'm for it! of course I'm 30 and single too.... I may actually did it lol.

jecoliah said...

that really sounds like something that will be a new norm

Hope said...

haha that's a great idea! then all the married people could give back after you've had to buy all them something!