Monday, March 15, 2010

Someone Help Me Decipher Lil' Wayne

I usually don't read TIME magazine anymore because the cover's always have some version of "How to fix (insert health care system, the world, the economy, etc...)," and I think it's lame because if they really knew how to fix things, they would be fixed. Plus, come up with a headline that doesn't begin with "How to."

That is beside the point however. The point is I picked up the latest TIME because I was bored yesterday and had already watched four episodes of Keeping up with the Kardashians. I turned to the quotes page and one by Lil' Wayne was highlighted. He was finally heading to jail after several delayed sentences, and his response was, "Law is mind without reason."

Um, ok, will someone please explain that quote to me. I've been racking my brain and I just can't seem to figure out how it makes sense. Essentially he's saying law is unreasonable. I guess? Not that I should expect literary greatness from someone who wrote "Lollipop," but I guess something that made sense would be good. If anyone has any insight that can explain this mystery to me, I would appreciate it.

Thank you for your time.


1 comment:

Morgan Rooster said...

That kinda scares me, you arn't alone in not being able to tell what that means, I do think that is past due time for him to spend some time thought.