While making my unwilling commute to work this morning, I was entertaining myself by listening to the KS95 Morning Show. I know, I know, the coolest show on the radio.
Anyway, they were discussing a big event that happened yesterday. An event that, apparently, was the highlight of some peoples’ lives thus far; the release of Halo 3. Herald the press! Call sick to work! Now people across the world have a new way to fight aliens and save a virtual planet from takeover!
I don’t get it.
Why waste your time shooting fake aliens? How is this fun? Join the army. I understand that perhaps young boys would find this fun – teenagers and prepubescent males, but my confusion heightened when a guy called the radio station to profess he had been up with his friends since midnight playing Halo 3. Let me tell you, his voice was anything but young. He was 30-something at least. To add to this ridiculousness, guess what he drank to stay up; Mountain Dew. Actually, he claimed, it was a new kind of Mountain Dew called “Game Fuel.”
What. I thought no one drinks Mountain Dew besides 15 year-old boys. But here he was, a grown man, staying up all night playing video games and drinking “Game Fuel.” This is apparently, a Mountain Dew specifically purposed for helping gamers stay up all night.
Again, I don’t get it.
What is so great about video games that grown men will stay up playing all night? Wouldn’t you rather…sleep? I would. Or do something productive like…talk?
I was reading the news the other day, and they have gaming rooms in China, which I imagine are like American arcades. Apparently, a man there, or a “gamer,” as they are called, DIED from playing video games for 48 HOURS straight. He died from exhaustion or something. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Why?! I haven’t been addicted to video games since Donkey Kong came out in 7th grade. They lost their appeal when I found BETTER things to DO with my TIME, or GREW UP. Someone please key me on the necessity to participate in this insane activity for hours upon hours. I’m going to do real work now
Uh-oh. I kind of like video games...does this mean we can't be friends colleen? :D
Well, to clarify, I don't get the addiction to games. I enjoy them from time to time...with friends. It is something for guys to do together. Playing for hours by yourself? That I don't get.
It is okay not to understand. Most guys don't understand the need for 100 pairs of shoes or purses...or the need to watch tv, or anything else for that matter. It is just a hobby. Now the people that go to ridiculious degrees...thats where I question it...but that is where we should question everything.
It's okay brett. You can be my friend still. Just don't play Halo in front of me:)
I had a Sega Genesis when I was 10. And I had a streak of Tony Hawk Pro Skater 8 years ago. Other than that I don't really do games. I think it's just an escape - like watching soap operas or reading romance novels in a woman's case. You get to be bold and heroic without risking anything. You just hit reset if you fail. Maybe I'm being too harsh? I also see why they're fun and playing party games in a Wii is a different story. It's the all-night-halo-by-yourself thing that's weird to me.
Mike and Brett, since I don't know you guys, maybe we should all get together and play halo 3 sometime. Then it would be like a "get to know people" halo tourney. I don't have the game...or the system. But I figure since Colleen has excess cash she could just buy it and we could meet at her house at around midnight. But I have to leave for class at 7am.
The last system I had was the Sega Genisis. That was in 1995. I only know the year because all the sports games ended with 95. NHL95, NBA95, NFL95 etc. They were awesome.
I think the reason guys like them so much is it is a chance to, like Brett said, get away from reality. I think frustration with women usually results in more gaming time. Since men can't take out their frustrations by blowing stuff up for real, they use games to do it. Basically what I am saying is if girls would stop leading guys on and then suddenly ignoring them, thus sending them into a downward spiral of depression for the next five years of their life...guys wouldn't even want to play video games.
Yeah...guys playing video games is pretty much all of women-kind's fault. I like where your head is at Mark...haha. Stop rekjecting us or ignoring us and we'll stop playing video games.
Colleen. I really think you should host a Halo tournament for all the guys you know. It would be a great chance for you to get over your hatred of gaming. Ha.
You know God is probably going to call you to marry some guy who drinks Mountain Dew and stays up all night playing Halo! :)
But then again, he might not, so there's hope.
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