Friday, February 23, 2007

African dreams...shattered...

UH! I got waitlisted for the Congo trip today. I almost cried, and I never cry. That sucks. I am really disappointed.

Who knows - maybe I'm not supposed to go. Maybe it was another one of those head fakes. The only people that will benefit from my disappointment are Anne (there's your shout out Anne), because this may mean one more trip to the West Coast for her, and Tessa, who just may be lucky enough to get a visit from me in the Alaskan wilderness now.

I know Molly is especially disappointed by my rejection because she was pumped about throwing an all-out benefit gathering for me. It's OK Molly, we'll find you another cause, don't lose hope yet...

I can't believe it. I mean, two years ago I told Katie that she was crazy for going somewhere tribal and disease-ridden. Oh wait, maybe I said that AFTER she decided to show me every possible disease she could get in Africa, from her biology or whatever textbook. Then I finally decide to risk and .... no.

Everything happens for a reason I know. I'm looking on the brightside. No worries.


SK said...

I was rejected for the Congo too.

You can come visit me when I move to China! :)

Laura Ibsen said...

I wouldn't cash in my chips yet if I was you. You could still totally get to go. Maybe being wait-listed is useful to showing you just how much you really want it, and therefore solidifying your desire and determination to go.

I'm super pumped to go to Jordan/Syria, and like you, the "missionary stuff" is also not really my forte. I had a brief scare when I forgot when a wedding was this summer that I'm a bridesmaid for, and I literally could think of nothing else and was really scared that I may not be able to go on the trip. I was immensly relieved when I found out that the wedding was almost two weeks before the trip started, and it really served to show me how much I actually wanted to go.

All I'm saying is, God is good enough to lead us places and also good enough to walk us there step by step.