Friday, February 9, 2007

Twenty. Something?

The Roaring Twenties. I realize that’s a nickname given to a decade, but I think it would be somewhat appropriate for the age too.

Roaring, like a storm, so dense you can’t see two feet in front of your face, confusing your path and turning familiar forms into indistinguishable figures. And so loud that the voices once clear are suddenly inaudible. That kind of storm.

Definitely not roaring like a lion, I don’t feel very predatory.

I say this because, because at the ripe young age of 23, I cannot see two years down the road. This is an improvement; however, for a few months ago my nearsightedness only allowed me six months of viewing pleasure, God willing.

All this uncertainty can make a girl go pretty crazy. Upon graduation, I was confused about what I wanted to do, vocationally, and had no idea where to start. The excitement of being a young professional quickly faded in light of the copy machine – and through five jobs and two periods of unemployment.

I was also completely baffled on the matter of relationships. I quickly learned I had no idea what love was, and what I thought it was before, yep, completely made up in my head. I blame Reese Witherspoon and Sweet Home Alabama for that one.

There I was not sure of what I wanted from a career, and not sure what I would ever want or receive from a relationship.

So how do you move forward then, when you are blinded by bewilderment? I guess you just have to look up to heaven, put one foot in front of the other and hope it catches solid ground.

Most likely, your feet will land safely, well eventually, you might break an ankle or two a long the way, but it will be worth it.

Because, as blinding and deafening a storm can be, it is strangely beautiful. Storms have an entrancing energy and power to them, and their haunting colors are intensively enchanting.

Kinda like the twenties.

Let’s face it, even though life is so confusing and sometimes overwhelming at this age, it is pretty fun. We’re young, healthy and have our whole lives ahead of us. We have the energy to beat ourselves up in a late night broomball game, and still go to work in the morning. We can travel anywhere without having to worry about who will take the baby, plus we still have the youthful good looks to pull off whatever, colorful, style we wish. Holla.

A sign on my wall states “When nothing is certain, everything is possible.” I think that’s a pretty good way to look at life in the twenties. Anything’s possible. So maybe instead of trying tirelessly to get God to show me my destination, I’ll focus on having a good time exploring the possibilities he presents along the way.


Tamaralee said...

Seriously, what a great post! You definitely hit home on what the "twenties" are all about. :)

Laura Ibsen said...

I have faith that we'll be ok, that we'll have a lot of fun, and that we'll someday be able to look back and see the logic that ran through the seeming caos.