Oh work. There is so much to write about this topic I’m not sure where to begin. OK – decision made. I’ll start with men at work – their etiquette that is. After working corporate for a few years I am convinced that you can tell so much about a man from his elevator etiquette. You have to let the women, exit and enter the elevator first. Come on! There are way too few men that do this and it’s saddening. At Target, there was a stark contrast between the men that understood elevator etiquette and the ones that didn’t. The ones that did were way more respectable. Too many men at Target would shove their way in first. So at MoneyGram, I am very observant as to what they do. The men at MoneyGram are much more respectful – always holding the door and the elevator. Good job. Of course, this is probably because they are all old. Anyway, onto topic number 2:
Work boredom
Now this is a killer. And my last year was infiltrated with it. Boredom at work makes you a bad worker. It takes away any work ethic you had to begin with. You’d think that, if someone gives you a project after being bored for five hours, you’d jump on it. No – you despise it and want to keep on being bored. That is how bad work boredom can effect you. This year, Anne and I, in particular fell victims to this disease. Luckily we are out of it now, but it was a toughie. So we developed strategies to fight against its deterioration – namely emailing too much, excessive facebook use and of course, excessive diet coke drinking. I came up with a plan that if I drank enough liquids, I would have to go to the bathroom twice an hour and thus ten minutes of the hour would be accounted for. Yes people, that is how bad it was. Thank God I have graduated from work boredom to actually having a job with something to do. Moving on.
Work conversations
Have any of you had an egging desire to learn about the weather and everyone’s opinon of it?? Well you should go to a corporate office. Because that’s all they talk about! That and how tired everyone is. I realize this may be because I don’t know anyone real well yet. At Blue Cross I got to have conversations about God and politics and relationships. I’m a little nervous to bring those things up at the breakroom at MoneyGram though. They’d probably start talking about how tired they are of God making snow or something… I’ve made it my goal this next week to think of an appropriate question that will divert the conversation from the weather. Any ideas, let me know.
Good stuff
OK I will end on a positive note, discussing something I love about corporate life. Free food! Seriously, it’s great. MoneyGram is so not cheap like Target. We probably get left over free food like twice a week. And when I say leftover, I mean extras from fancy schmancy meetings that the CEO goes to. Plus, we get free tea, cider and coffee at work. It’s great. It feeds my caffeine addiction and the non-alcoholic drinking problem I acquired from too many boring jobs. So I’m pretty happy with this. I’m actually pretty thankful for my job. Who wouldn’t want free food.
The end for now.
I'm glad you're thinking about the positives of work. Sometimes I can't believe that I've spent all day, and therefore eventually most of my week/month/year/life sitting at a desk being bored to tears. Add to the fact that most people spend their lives chatting about weather, and you're bound to have a serious medication need.
Not me, though. I don't have anyone to chat with and I'm beginning to think of the computer screen as my imaginary friend. I may also have a need for illegal drugs - is Molls up yet? ;)
Love the blog!
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