I went for a run after work yesterday, on possibly the last warm day before the chill of our lovely winters kicks in. The warm breeze brushed my cheek as I ran passed the lake. The veins of the trees surrounding it had burst, splattering the once-green canvas of their leaves with yellows, oranges and reds and creating a blazing forest that was quite the scene next to the contrasting deep blue lake. The leaves crunched beneath my tennis shoes, with the occasional leaf falling on my head and getting tangled the messy tendrils. I took another step, breathing deeply, and then suddenly…
A freaking stick hit me, and I quickly woke up from ponderings of the idyllic landscape I would later paint with words. Stupid stick, it hurt and left a big red line on my face. Then a couple more leaves fell on my head and got tangled in my mop of frizz, er excuse me, my “messy tendrils.”
Oh real life. Always waking us up from our daydreams. I realized though as I was running the rest of the way home, that life sometimes may turn out the way we paint it to be. Kinda like, when you break up with your boyfriend, after a horribly stressful relationship, but you miss him so much that all you seem to remember is the good times, because that’s all you replay in your mind, and cry over with Rascal Flatts in the background. Or on the other end of the spectrum, how we think this world is such a horrible horrible place because we wake up and read the news every morning, which points out the worst of the worst from around the entire world. There’s actually a name for developing this complex from the media, it’s called Mean World Syndrome. We tend to think the world is much worse off than it is because all we see is the horror in the news everyday, and not about the girl scout troop picking up garbage or the old couple still in love in the nursing home (oh wait, that’s in the notebook, well you get the picture). For some reason the every day good stuff isn't as publishable -- but it's there.
To do a 180 on the subject with a complete lack of sensical segue ---- so yeah, the GRE, didn't exactly go too well. I pretty much sucked up the math part. So I am taking it again in a month. And trying really hard to study. So the blog may or may not go on temporary hiatus. I'm sorry if the temporary hiatus disappoints. But who knows, maybe it won't be a hiatus. OK, time for bed. It's newsletter day tomorrow, gotta be prepared...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
I'm Not the Only One With a Leftover Keg!
You can stop holding your breath, saying your prayers and crossing your fingers for me like I know you all are. Work went okay today. WHEW. I am in the clear for this week. No monumental mistakes, and I even got a little ice cream cake to boot. Plus I have a three day weekend ahead of me -- well wait, not really considering I only took Monday off for the GRE. Rejoice! After Monday one will never have to hear about the GRE ever again!
It should be a Halloween-o-fanstastic weekend, if I can find something to wear. Nothing's changed since Tuesday. On a different note: So I have one of those stat counter things on my blog, where you can see what google page people accessed my blog through. I've encountered a few interesting google searches that have pulled up the one, the only confused twentysomething. Behold:
1) how to save the African people
--- uh this isn't at all offensive! Who is searching this anyway? Do they think they are going to save Africans by following google instructions? Seriously.
2)leftover keg
---- well this is referring to the blog I wrote about driving around w/ a leftover keg in my car for a week. Glad to know some people have the same problems.
3)inspirational pop songs love break up
--- somebody's feeling emotional..
fish from the caribbean - GRE word list
--- yeah, haven't encountered a word that means "fish from the caribbean yet." Perhaps because it doesn't exist.
4)confused about staying in long term relationship
--- well google will definitely tell you what to do there! Just keep searching! (or talk to a REAL person, just a suggestion).
5) "Jess Gold" "Cole Brenny"
--- Creepy????
Ok that's all, Happy Halloween weekend. I hope you scare someone. Cackle cackle.
It should be a Halloween-o-fanstastic weekend, if I can find something to wear. Nothing's changed since Tuesday. On a different note: So I have one of those stat counter things on my blog, where you can see what google page people accessed my blog through. I've encountered a few interesting google searches that have pulled up the one, the only confused twentysomething. Behold:
1) how to save the African people
--- uh this isn't at all offensive! Who is searching this anyway? Do they think they are going to save Africans by following google instructions? Seriously.
2)leftover keg
---- well this is referring to the blog I wrote about driving around w/ a leftover keg in my car for a week. Glad to know some people have the same problems.
3)inspirational pop songs love break up
--- somebody's feeling emotional..
fish from the caribbean - GRE word list
--- yeah, haven't encountered a word that means "fish from the caribbean yet." Perhaps because it doesn't exist.
4)confused about staying in long term relationship
--- well google will definitely tell you what to do there! Just keep searching! (or talk to a REAL person, just a suggestion).
5) "Jess Gold" "Cole Brenny"
--- Creepy????
Ok that's all, Happy Halloween weekend. I hope you scare someone. Cackle cackle.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Halloween. Boo.
I did a horrible job at studying tonight. Why? Well, for a couple reasons: a - Caribou decided to close at 9 instead of 10. b - Carrie Underwood came out with a dang good c.d. that was more interesting than math (everyone needs it - it's amazing). c - I suck at math hardcore and d) I cannot for the life of me think of a Halloween costume.
UGH. I have some ideas of what I could do, but nothing that just clicks in the "that's the most amazing idea ever" sort of way. Actually, I've never had an idea that good. Maybe that's why often times I found Halloween more annoying than fun because it takes so much energy to finally come to the realization that you have nothing good to wear so you might as well give up and be something lame. One year, I remember being so frusterated that my friend and I went and bought plastic firehats and called ourselves firefighters. (Which reminds me -- Sarah this is my first Halloween without you in like four years! And they don't even have Halloween in Taiwan, sad!) This year, that energy also impedes with my useless studying efforts.
I think the best Halloween was when I was Avril. Maybe I will be her again -- except her look isn't so distince now...hmmm. Every good Halloween costume has been so overdone! I give up. I was searching the net for some creative Halloween costumes, and although it was completely unbeneficial to me, some of them were funny. Here were a few of my favs:
- Paris in jail (ten bucks this will be completely overdone this year)
- The president of Iran (no idea how to spell his name)
- And um another one that I liked but I can't say because I might actually be it. Who knows.
I realize I'm kinda anti-Halloween spirit, and I apologize for that. However, I would like to say that my anti-spirit is cancelled out by my roommate Anna's Halloween-Spirit-on-Speed, as I like to call it :) I think that the stick-on black cats and pumpkins that greet me on the bathroom mirror each morning, the skeleton menorah-like deal on the entertainment stand and the pumpkin candles scattered around the house would testify to that as well. Love it.
OK I'm tired and I still can't find any good costume ideas on about.com so I'm going to go to bed. Another reason for me to go to bed is because I'm sick of hearing about how to be a pirate of a prom queen. Note to "halloween costume ideas" web sites - those are sucky ideas that were overdone in 1970. That's all, bye.
UGH. I have some ideas of what I could do, but nothing that just clicks in the "that's the most amazing idea ever" sort of way. Actually, I've never had an idea that good. Maybe that's why often times I found Halloween more annoying than fun because it takes so much energy to finally come to the realization that you have nothing good to wear so you might as well give up and be something lame. One year, I remember being so frusterated that my friend and I went and bought plastic firehats and called ourselves firefighters. (Which reminds me -- Sarah this is my first Halloween without you in like four years! And they don't even have Halloween in Taiwan, sad!) This year, that energy also impedes with my useless studying efforts.
I think the best Halloween was when I was Avril. Maybe I will be her again -- except her look isn't so distince now...hmmm. Every good Halloween costume has been so overdone! I give up. I was searching the net for some creative Halloween costumes, and although it was completely unbeneficial to me, some of them were funny. Here were a few of my favs:
- Paris in jail (ten bucks this will be completely overdone this year)
- The president of Iran (no idea how to spell his name)
- And um another one that I liked but I can't say because I might actually be it. Who knows.
I realize I'm kinda anti-Halloween spirit, and I apologize for that. However, I would like to say that my anti-spirit is cancelled out by my roommate Anna's Halloween-Spirit-on-Speed, as I like to call it :) I think that the stick-on black cats and pumpkins that greet me on the bathroom mirror each morning, the skeleton menorah-like deal on the entertainment stand and the pumpkin candles scattered around the house would testify to that as well. Love it.
OK I'm tired and I still can't find any good costume ideas on about.com so I'm going to go to bed. Another reason for me to go to bed is because I'm sick of hearing about how to be a pirate of a prom queen. Note to "halloween costume ideas" web sites - those are sucky ideas that were overdone in 1970. That's all, bye.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Note to Mother's Everywhere: Don't Tell Your Child it's OK to Make Mistakes
I now know why Jesus said that we should "be perfect, as our heavenly Father is perfect."
Um...yeah. It's because, when you grow up, you are expected to be. Well guess what: NO ONE IS. I'm not a freaking perfectionist.
I am mad at my work right now and taking it out on my blog.ugh.
Um...yeah. It's because, when you grow up, you are expected to be. Well guess what: NO ONE IS. I'm not a freaking perfectionist.
I am mad at my work right now and taking it out on my blog.ugh.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Kids Say the Darndest Things
My friend from high school is currently a kindergarten teacher in Minneapolis. I'm convinced that all kindergarten teachers should have their own comic strips -- because they encounter some hilarious things. I was at happy hour with my teacher-friend the other day, and she was telling me stories about a couple of kids in her class. I would like to relay these stories to you. Let's start with the story about Kenny. First of all, who names a kid Kenny nowadays. Seriously.
So 'B' was the letter of the day in Miss Niebur's kindergarten class, and the children had to draw something that started with a 'b.' There were a lot of boats and balls and brooms, but Kenny drew something a little different. Miss Niebur got to Kenny and looked down at his paper, on which was drawn two side-by-side circles with a dot in the center of each of them...Miss Niebur cautiously asked Kenny, "What have you drawn Kenny?" "Boobs!" Kenny replied. Miss Niebur shook her head, "Now do you really think that's appropriate Kenny?"
After thinking for a few seconds, Kenny looked up at Miss Niebur, "You're right Miss Niebur, I should've called it Chest," but then it wouldn't start with a 'b'!
Recognizing his teacher's disapproval, he quickly said, "Well, maybe I should erase it.." (please insert little kids voice when reading Kenny's lines, thank you."
Miss Niebur nodded approvingly, "Yes, Kenny, I think you should probably erase it."
Oh the naive minds of five year-olds.
So 'B' was the letter of the day in Miss Niebur's kindergarten class, and the children had to draw something that started with a 'b.' There were a lot of boats and balls and brooms, but Kenny drew something a little different. Miss Niebur got to Kenny and looked down at his paper, on which was drawn two side-by-side circles with a dot in the center of each of them...Miss Niebur cautiously asked Kenny, "What have you drawn Kenny?" "Boobs!" Kenny replied. Miss Niebur shook her head, "Now do you really think that's appropriate Kenny?"
After thinking for a few seconds, Kenny looked up at Miss Niebur, "You're right Miss Niebur, I should've called it Chest," but then it wouldn't start with a 'b'!
Recognizing his teacher's disapproval, he quickly said, "Well, maybe I should erase it.." (please insert little kids voice when reading Kenny's lines, thank you."
Miss Niebur nodded approvingly, "Yes, Kenny, I think you should probably erase it."
Oh the naive minds of five year-olds.
What's Long Division?
Countdown to the GRE - two weeks. Two weeks,which I recently realized will have to be jam-packed with fractions, decimals, geometry and probability. I've always known I suck at math, but evidently pitching it out of my life for six years has made my quantative problem-solving capabilities a hundred times worse. I mean, the other week at Wine Night, someone actually had to teach me how to do long division and multiplication (THANKS KERRY). How pathetic is that? And I still don't really know how to divide by hand - throw some square roots, x's and y's in there and if my mind could crawl into a fetal position -- it would. But I don't think it can, so instead it starts reviewing celebrity couples and hit pop songs.
I just hate math! It's so useless -- why do I need to know how to do these problems? Is there going to be some time in my life when I am without a cell phone, computer or plain calculator and urgently need to solve 5, 43980 x 5209? NO. Unless like, I get kidnapped and they won't let me go until I solve a bunch of math problems...sounds like a good scheme for Al Quaeda...So why do I need to do it on the GRE?!!! Ugh! We even got to use calculators for the ACT people!
The verbal section is still a toughie too -- but much easier than math. All I have to do for the verbal is memorize a bunch of big words. Memorizing words is actually useful too -- because you can use them in choice situations to make people think you are smart. Or you can write them on resumes because corporations are freaking pretentious and appreciate using all the big words they can get.
Speaking of work, they told me I wasn't "detail-oriented" enough at work. Which, I'll admit, I'm not. Why? BECAUSE I HATE DETAILS. I think maybe, I have the wrong job -- or maybe, I just need to become good at details even though (in Katie's words), they make me want to shoot heroin in my eyeballs and die. I might not be writing in my blog as much as I have been, because turns out now they want me to actually work at work, aka, manage every little DETAIL of the newsletter, aka shoot heroin in my eyeballs and die... No no, it's not so bad, well the details part is, but the rest isn't. At least I have something to do - just not something I could do forever. I'll give a killer blog shout-out to the person with the best suggestion as to what I should do with my life. Ready-set-go.
This blog had no sensical transitions or point. I am sorry. I just wanted to complain about work and math in the same blog and I couldn't figure out how to do it sensically - since the only math I do at work is counting my paycheck or how many hours or vacation days I have left. OK I'm going to go now and stop this non-sensical prattling.
Peace in the Middle East.
I just hate math! It's so useless -- why do I need to know how to do these problems? Is there going to be some time in my life when I am without a cell phone, computer or plain calculator and urgently need to solve 5, 43980 x 5209? NO. Unless like, I get kidnapped and they won't let me go until I solve a bunch of math problems...sounds like a good scheme for Al Quaeda...So why do I need to do it on the GRE?!!! Ugh! We even got to use calculators for the ACT people!
The verbal section is still a toughie too -- but much easier than math. All I have to do for the verbal is memorize a bunch of big words. Memorizing words is actually useful too -- because you can use them in choice situations to make people think you are smart. Or you can write them on resumes because corporations are freaking pretentious and appreciate using all the big words they can get.
Speaking of work, they told me I wasn't "detail-oriented" enough at work. Which, I'll admit, I'm not. Why? BECAUSE I HATE DETAILS. I think maybe, I have the wrong job -- or maybe, I just need to become good at details even though (in Katie's words), they make me want to shoot heroin in my eyeballs and die. I might not be writing in my blog as much as I have been, because turns out now they want me to actually work at work, aka, manage every little DETAIL of the newsletter, aka shoot heroin in my eyeballs and die... No no, it's not so bad, well the details part is, but the rest isn't. At least I have something to do - just not something I could do forever. I'll give a killer blog shout-out to the person with the best suggestion as to what I should do with my life. Ready-set-go.
This blog had no sensical transitions or point. I am sorry. I just wanted to complain about work and math in the same blog and I couldn't figure out how to do it sensically - since the only math I do at work is counting my paycheck or how many hours or vacation days I have left. OK I'm going to go now and stop this non-sensical prattling.
Peace in the Middle East.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Sleepless in Seattle - A Truly Original Title
This weekend, I was sleepless in Seattle. Well during the day anyway, I slept at night I just like the way the phrase “sleepless in Seattle,” rolls off the tongue…. I was, however, a jet setter this weekend. I flew to Seattle for College Reunion 2007. It was a great time and Seattle is an awesome town. I would put it up in the ranks with Portland. There are very few cities I rave about, – besides Minneapolis, the love of my life – so Seattle should be aware of what a compliment it is to receive my praise.
Seattle is a city filled with fish markets, brick streets, ocean bays, Starbucks galore and quite a few bums. It’s clean though, adorably quaint and its surroundings are completely gorgeous. On clear days you can look across the blue waves of Puget Sound and see the snow-capped peak of Mount Rainier in the distance, reigning over the thousands of pine tree-clad hills huddling at its base. There is so much to do, including the Space Needle, which really has no functional significance besides to simply exist. Much like monuments such as the Eiffel Tower, the Space Needle was built as a way for Seattle to show off its architectural expertise during the World’s Fair, which was held in Seattle in 1962.
On another note, my trip to Seattle also opened my eyes to how much I love airports. Walking into an airport just fills me with a shiver of excitement, because I know the next I step outdoors, it will be in a strange city filled with adventure. Whether it is Cancun or Congo, there’s just something so enthralling about being somewhere else, for awhile anyway. I wish I could go somewhere different every week. My employer should really look into that.
I am so blessed to be able to do all the great things I do. Just taking off for a weekend in Seattle to visit some of my best friends and explore a new city, it’s awesome. True, I am back in the monotony of work – but that’s only so I can go on my next trip; Europe 2008. Prince William, British Pubs and Italian Streets here we come!
Seattle is a city filled with fish markets, brick streets, ocean bays, Starbucks galore and quite a few bums. It’s clean though, adorably quaint and its surroundings are completely gorgeous. On clear days you can look across the blue waves of Puget Sound and see the snow-capped peak of Mount Rainier in the distance, reigning over the thousands of pine tree-clad hills huddling at its base. There is so much to do, including the Space Needle, which really has no functional significance besides to simply exist. Much like monuments such as the Eiffel Tower, the Space Needle was built as a way for Seattle to show off its architectural expertise during the World’s Fair, which was held in Seattle in 1962.
On another note, my trip to Seattle also opened my eyes to how much I love airports. Walking into an airport just fills me with a shiver of excitement, because I know the next I step outdoors, it will be in a strange city filled with adventure. Whether it is Cancun or Congo, there’s just something so enthralling about being somewhere else, for awhile anyway. I wish I could go somewhere different every week. My employer should really look into that.
I am so blessed to be able to do all the great things I do. Just taking off for a weekend in Seattle to visit some of my best friends and explore a new city, it’s awesome. True, I am back in the monotony of work – but that’s only so I can go on my next trip; Europe 2008. Prince William, British Pubs and Italian Streets here we come!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Who Wants Free Body Towels?!?!
Occasionally, when I am bored I peruse through Craigslist’s “free stuff” category. It always adds a touch of hilarity to my day. Blame it on my intrinsic altruism, but I’ve taken it upon myself to share this hilarity with everyone, and have selected a few free items, that I plan on picking up as soon as possible. So please don’t think of stealing them from me. Thanks.
1. Free body Towels
I am setting out four well used body towels. They are the type that would be used for RAGS ONLY. None of them are matching. I will leave them in the ally in front of the garage by the trash can.
Just come by and pick them up.
What a good deal! Free used body towels! I can’t think of a better Christmas present for someone!
2. Free crazy lookin' desk thing
Just what I always wanted!
3. 27" color tv DOES NOT WORK
What am I going to do with this? Put it on display so it looks like I have a TV to impress a guy or social services or something?
“Look at my sweet 27 inch TV. Just don’t ask me to turn it on, it’s tricky sometimes…”
4. Piano for free! It must go as soon as possible!
I am giving it away, because of lack of space to keep it at home.
When the picture was taken, I had some ornaments on the piano, this is why you see lots of things on it; obviously, all those things will not be there when you come to pick it up!

Obviously! It’s not obvious that it doesn’t come the useless crap thrown all over it! I’m not taking it if it doesn’t come with the fake “harvest medley” of flowers and the orange-crotcheted thingy!
5. Non- working Elan brand ====WATER SOFTENER===with large salt bin(full)
6. Shed to Take
Anyone need a shed? Just come pick it up. Oh no, I’m sure it will fit fine in your suburban…
7. Free Maternity photos of you on CD!
Creepy? Perhaps a good baby shower present?
8. Like new Carpet & fire wood
They forgot to ad the subhead! OK, I’ll do it for them.
“the perfect combinations”
9. Men's Shirts for Handicapped
Um, mentally or physically handicapped?
10. Free Black Walnuts
In case you’re hungry, feel free to drive all the way to Cologne, MN to pick up a bunch of free walnuts, because according to the add “the squirrels don’t want anymore.”
FREE: Two bags of White bread
Why we have a meal! Feel free to pick up the white bread on a St. Paul porch after you’ve cracked the walnuts. Mmmmmm.
1. Free body Towels
I am setting out four well used body towels. They are the type that would be used for RAGS ONLY. None of them are matching. I will leave them in the ally in front of the garage by the trash can.
Just come by and pick them up.
What a good deal! Free used body towels! I can’t think of a better Christmas present for someone!
2. Free crazy lookin' desk thing
Just what I always wanted!
3. 27" color tv DOES NOT WORK
What am I going to do with this? Put it on display so it looks like I have a TV to impress a guy or social services or something?
“Look at my sweet 27 inch TV. Just don’t ask me to turn it on, it’s tricky sometimes…”
4. Piano for free! It must go as soon as possible!
I am giving it away, because of lack of space to keep it at home.
When the picture was taken, I had some ornaments on the piano, this is why you see lots of things on it; obviously, all those things will not be there when you come to pick it up!

Obviously! It’s not obvious that it doesn’t come the useless crap thrown all over it! I’m not taking it if it doesn’t come with the fake “harvest medley” of flowers and the orange-crotcheted thingy!
5. Non- working Elan brand ====WATER SOFTENER===with large salt bin(full)
6. Shed to Take
Anyone need a shed? Just come pick it up. Oh no, I’m sure it will fit fine in your suburban…
7. Free Maternity photos of you on CD!
Creepy? Perhaps a good baby shower present?
8. Like new Carpet & fire wood
They forgot to ad the subhead! OK, I’ll do it for them.
“the perfect combinations”
9. Men's Shirts for Handicapped
Um, mentally or physically handicapped?
10. Free Black Walnuts
In case you’re hungry, feel free to drive all the way to Cologne, MN to pick up a bunch of free walnuts, because according to the add “the squirrels don’t want anymore.”
FREE: Two bags of White bread
Why we have a meal! Feel free to pick up the white bread on a St. Paul porch after you’ve cracked the walnuts. Mmmmmm.
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