Sunday, November 18, 2007

Cheeriness. And Pot.

Feeling down today? I have just the solution; go to! Its top three stories will definitely cheer you up, take a peek. Top Read Stories:

1. Bomber kills kids as US troops hand out toys (!!!)
2. Dozens killed in coal mine blast (!!!)
3. Cyclone death toll could skyrocket. (!!!)

See, don't you feel so much better! I thought you might.

On a lighthearted note, a real one, I went to a concert at the Varsity (aka Best Theater Ever) Friday night. It was pretty sweet minus the bad wine which may or may not be bad because I don't like the taste of actual good wine. There were lots of interesting people there, including one stumbling 21 year-old who accidentally mistook me for a drug dealer.

"Hey," he said to me, "do you happen to have a bowl I could pack?"

I proceed to laugh really hard and obviously say, "No."

"Just thought you might be down, ya know..." he said before wandering off in the crowd.

Well, I don't blame him. I look a lot like a drug dealer - hey people ask me for crack all the time...... (no). The reason I knew his age was because I ran into him later upstairs in the Varsity's pool room or whatever they call it. It has a pool table to me that equals pool room, and the bathrooms are also up there.

So he's like, "Hey, sorry I asked you for that pot..." I'm like "no problem, people ask me all the time." He then asked me if I went to the U. I said no, I I've been done with school for awhile now. He proceeds, "How old are you!"
I'm like "A lot older than you." He then said he was 21 and was like "Are you married?"

Me: "No"

Dude "Well then you can't be that old!"

Hahaha. I didn't know that when you got married you all of a sudden were "really old." I told him I was 24, he said he totally thought I looked his age. Apparently, he was expecting someone three years older than him to look COMPLETELY different.

Hmph. I'm glad I graduated college already. It seems as they years go by, its students' common sense decreases. Peace out.


Mike said...

oh, the world through the eyes of a stoner. What band did you see?

Colleen said...

Um, there were like four - they were pretty good. Ari Herstand, The Alarmists, White Light Riot and This World's Fair. Just local ones.

Mike said...

I hear the alarmists are good. This is an interesting place to have a conversation...

Brett said...

So...can I just buy my crack form you then Colleen?

Mark said...

Colleen, one day you are complaining about being single and the next you are complaining about guys hitting on you.

And I finished that book, it was really good and really sad. I also renewed it so if I ever make it down to your place again I will give it to you.