Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Dan sent this to a few of us yesterday, and I thought it was so crazy it should be posted in the reputable scientific journal entitled the Confused TwentySomething. In all seriousness -- try and figure out the logic of what this graph is telling us:

In Dan's words, "Crazy what AIDS can do."

I can't believe that in the 21st century, while life expectancies in the US are rapidly increasing, life expectancies in Africa are dramatically doing the exact opposite.


Brett said...

I guess I'm not at all surprised by this. I knew the impact AIDS has had on Africa.

I'm guessing the constant civil wars aren't helping either. I wouldn't be surprised if that was also having a large impact on life expectancy, particularily since children as young as 10 are being recruited.


Mike said...

I remember the first time I saw this, I thought it was a graph of how many people have AIDS in Africa and I was happy to see the levels declining... then I looked closer and saw it was life expectancy. In SA and Botswana 1 in 3 people have AIDS. That's ridiculous. Part of the problem is lack of education, most don't believe HIV causes AIDS but rather AIDS comes from eating chicken or other false ideas.

Mike said...

so I looked up that "chicken" statement because I remebered there was something absurd about it. The idea is that a chicken may have eaten a condom with AIDS so eating the chicken will give you AIDS. Some people also think condoms are just a trick to limit the population in Africa. Here's the wiki article on it:

pepp238 said...

so scary...