Monday, November 19, 2007

Missing Limbs

Today, I experienced phantom limb syndrome. You know, where one of your limbs is missing, can still feel it. Scary.
What's even scarier - is that my limbs are all attached, at least I thought. Yet, I felt it, the ringing vibration in my back pocket where I usually hold my cell phone. I reached back to answer it. It wasn't there. Yet, it I felt it. But it was a phantom feeling - phantom cell phone syndrome. It seems as if they just might be becoming our second limbs after all.

This isn't the first time it's happened. Sometimes, from the living room, I'll hear the familiar jangle of my ringtone --- only to look at my screen and discover, no one called. Phantom cell phone syndrome. A scary phenemenom. And I cannot be alone in my struggles. But if we have truly developed cell-phones as limbs, what other phantom syndrome will come next? One can only imagine.

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