Last night I went to see Kelly Clarkson in concert. I was pretty excited about seeing KC, but like most people, I wasn't too enthused about the opening act--- until he started playing. Holy crap. My friends and I were awestruck at this guy's talent, passion, and of course ridiculous good looks. Seriously though, he was amazing, and I remember thinking while watching him play that God was amazing because he created someone with such talent. Almost seeing God's creativity and ingenious through this guy's musical ability.
So at the concert I not-so-quietly declared I was going to marry him. What was crazy though, is I got home and looked him up and it turns out he got his start playing at Young Life camp, and he's a Christian. Interesting how you can at times recognize God through people. Anyway, often synomynous with "Christian man over 21" is "married." (PROPS TO Y'ALL OUT THERE WHO ARE CHANGING THAT. CHEERS). So it turns out, there's no future for him and I:) There is however a future for me listening to his music. Oh -- and his name's Jon McLaughlin by the way.
Also on my music review tally today is Britney's new c.d., and Carrie Underwood's as well. I must say, five million stars for Carrie. This is probably one of the best albums I've ever purchased - not kidding. Buy it. As far as Britney's new c.d., five stars for her! Granted, the lyrics are a little to non-sensically sexual, but if you can over look that, probably one of the best dance albums I've ever purchased, her's and Rhianna's new c.d.
All in all, it's been a great music week and I've been very entertained. Thank God because I got a number wrong in work's newsletter and all hellfire broke loose (in my DEFENSE - it was approved before I placed it, and the approver overlooked the number, NOT my fault. huff). It turns out -- the number in the newsletter was for a dating service. hahaha. if I can get past the anger surrounding my boss it's actually pretty funny....
I literally know tens of men who are Christian and are not married. They are all over 21. Where are you getting your data Colleen? ha.
Brett, if you ask any local Concordia, Northwestern or Bethel grad, they generally reply with those figures. Apparently, in addition to a well rounded Christian based education...they put "get married sauce" in the water too.
Colleen has a crush on Jon McLaughlin :) hahaha. I'm pretty sure I did see him with Matt Wertz a year ago, he was good. I can't take britney seriously... well, I guess I never could... but especially not now.
No Mike - I no longer have a crush. I refuse to be a homewrecker. And Brett - yes I am getting my data from Bethel University, so I suppose it's a bit skewed...
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