Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lose Some Magic Pants?! No Problem. Just Fly to Greece and Find Them!

Send in the clowns! Thanksgiving break has arrived and I have nothing due for six whole days! Consequently, I didn’t do any homework last night, and tonight I decided to mindlessly enjoy watching Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Part Two.

I know, I know, many people would celebrate this six-day jubilee with, oh I don’t know, drinks, other people, dancing, etc… I however, know how to really celebrate; watching cheesy teen movies, by myself, in bed, with wine.

Oh what, you think I’m a loser? Ah, well before you judge - hear me out, because it gets worse.

About....maybe halfway through the movie, my roommate (who had already seen it) decided to text me. She had to text me, since she was so far away – and by so far away I mean six feet away in the room next to mine. What can I say, new technology breeds laziness. So this is the text I received: “Isn’t that art guy hot?” (she was referring to the guy in the movie that falls for Alexis Bledel)

I text back: “Omigosh yes, ah. His eyes." Her text: “yeah, everything about him.”

Hahaha, we are losers. Think the text convo ended there though? Oh you of little faith. Towards the end, I decided to text her – again - instead of yelling. This time, I needed to discuss the characters’ decision to go to Greece to find their “Traveling Pants.” At first, one girl went. The rest of the girls went a few days later to surprise her. Just you know, dropped everything and took off.

The convo:

My text: “Oh, no problem I’ll just go to Greece and find some pants.”
Her: Can I go too? Wait I’ll surprise u there.
Me: “Ummm….with a hot man.

(Slight break in text conversation)

My text (again): Oh! Actually, you totally came to Greece to help me get back together with my hot Greek ex?? That is so uh, manipulative of you! I am so pissed, I am going to go make out with him in a boat on the Mediterranean under a full moon.

Her: “I knew I could force you into his arms.”

Now, the end of the movie arrives. I celebrate:

My text: “What we shared is all the magic we’ll ever need.”

Her: “So true, hug me.”

Ha! We are a special duo. Really, this text sequence doesn’t make sense unless you see the move. So I’m going to say that we are cool through irony. I can’t believe I’m actually sharing this story, I think I’ll lose many friends. Or not, since my friends already know of my “quirks." And they love me anyway, because what we share, is all the magic we'll ever need. Thank you, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I am inspired.


Mark said...

you guys can come over to dougs and watch movies whenever you want. we have every movie ever made...except for the one you just blogged about

SK said...

Haha! I totally watched this movie - alone in my bed, drinking tea. And I texted one of my friends about how lame it was, too! I was uber disappointed. Hahaha.

Anne said...

Was that a conversation between you and Amy?

Colleen said...

You know it. ha.