OK. I forgot the add the most important part of the below story. In addition to asking if I was married, the drug kid asked if I was "melado."
Are you serious! Mainly because who uses that word anymore?! It's totally un-politically correct. Plus, he's 21 - not 50! You'd think he wouldn't have even grown up hearing it. Strange.
Technically, it's mulatto...but really, who uses that any more? He could have just asked (equally obtusely) what your ethnic background is...or something.
Ha, it's funny that you bring this up. My students use the word "mulatto" all the time and don't even realize that it is not very PC until I tell them about it. So this un-PC word is making a comeback. Little do they know it is synonymous with slavery (until I tell them). It's great that we're resorting to antebellum vocabulary.
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