Wednesday, May 2, 2007


I just wanted to write a quick little post addressed to anyone with a blog, or anyone who feels the urge to send me funny emails.

Thanks to you - all my co-workers think I am a schizophrenic, and that my mental illness flares up the worst at around 8:15 a.m. For this is the time I stumble into work and encounter a digital rainstorm of funny materials written the night before. So just an FYI: maybe you people should think about my reputation before posting or sending anything funny.

On second thought though - I might actually acquire a serious mental illness if I didn't have the humorous break you friends of the information age provide. So please keep sending, because who am I kidding, as a Gen Y'er in a company full of Boomers, I never really had a reputation to begin with.


Mike said...

I'm totally the same way. I used to get really embarrassed when I laughed out loud at the internets, then I just stopped caring :) I'm not going to let co-workers ruin my fun.

Laura Ibsen said...

I just get embarrassed when I laught out loud walking down the street alone. But come on! You'd be laughing too if you were inside my head.