Friday, June 1, 2007

Stealing from Homeless

Apparently, I am the corporate charity case around here. Not going to lie, I don’t mind carrying that label. Today, it resulted in free lunch. This morning, my co-worker discovered me hunched over the computer, agonizing over my somehow dwindling bank account. Of course, he laughed and went back to his six-digit earning job. However, when I came back from my meager lunch this afternoon of a stale sandwich and an orange, I discovered an Olive Garden salad and breadsticks sitting prettily on my chair.

Naturally, I was pretty pumped since the lunches I bring fail to fill me up, every time. I turned to my co-worker and exclaimed “You brought me lunch!”

He was like “Yeah, I felt kind of bad that you were so depressed about your bank account this morning. And they gave us free breadsticks and salad at Olive Garden so I snatched some extra for you. I figured; it was either you, or the bum on the street.”

Me or the bum on the street huh? Delightful.

I’m not going to lie, I’m kind of glad I got the salad. Now I won’t be hungry the rest of the afternoon. Woohoo! I don’t understand, I get a good job, and all of a sudden I am more broke than I’ve ever been. Who do I blame here? Express? Mac? The Salvation Army downtown?

No, this is who I am going to blame. All the stupid medical/travel expenses related to the Congo trip. Hopefully the trip will be worth begging my somewhat well-to-do co workers for their left over salads. Until then, I’ve discovered the free hot chocolate in the break room fills me up as well. I am living it up.


Julie said...

What kind of medical/travel expenses are u blaming. Cause I don't have a job and I'm okay. Granted, I am on my parents insurance still, so I don't have to worry about all that medical stuff, but what else is there?

Colleen said...

Well - this week my medicine was $60. The co-pay for the shots was $20. The passport was $97, the extra pictures were $15...that is a lot out of the bank account!

Mark said...

You should have just went to the photo booth thing. those are great and they work. And in Japan you can add sparkles and write things in english all over them before they print.

also, the guy was not thinking "i should get this for colleen or the homeless person," he was thinking "I should get this for Colleen."

also, just think if they had a store called ExpressMac. I can't imagine what they would sell but I'm pretty sure I'd buy it.