Wednesday, June 13, 2007

To Live or Die: That is the Question

No, don't worry, I'm not asking that question in regards to my life. I am very happy with living. BUT Cristina, Molly and I got into a discussion recently over the death penalty.... I know I know, controversial subject alert.

But this is the jist of the discussion, which was launched by this article right here:

Researchers say that if we imposed the death penalty more often, murder rates would go down. Which means that innocent lives would be saved. What do you think of this? With this in mind should the death penalty be imposed - or not?

Cristina's uncle said (in Molly's words)

"I think what he's saying is that the probabilities and statistics
support that the death penalty is effective as a deterent, but the
deterent method is contradictory to seeing someone's life as whole,
that there is still a possibility for change and redemption and being
executed would end that possibility. He continues to say then that if
that change and redemption was the committment of the system instead
of the death penalty it would affect the culture of not only the
inmates but of us too..."

Now Cristina mentioned that society is not ready or committed to such a change. I would agree. I tend to lean towards the "just" side more than the "mercy" side most times. Even though, as James says "mercy triumphs over judgement." So my bad. But I don't know, maybe it is more merciful to have death row - and save the lives of other.

Compicated topic. Makes my head hurt - please leave thoughts, opinions, ragings, whatever.

Sorry my entries have been lacking lately - blame it on work.


Mark said...

Ok Colleen, this isn't normally one I would even reply to but since I think you insisted on it earlier in the day I will.

I don't think CP deters murders. I think this because people who kill other people don't think about the consequences. That is why they always leave behind a mess of clues while trying to dispose of a body instead of just taking the person on a boat ride in the first place and then doing it.

I think one can be strongly in favor of the death penalty based on their conviction that - they did something horrible so they should die. However, I don't see this as a deterrent. Other than that, I view most of the Cp arguments as pretty weak.

All the statistics in regards to areas with/without CP, poverty race etc. seem pretty meaningless to me. In each case it will come down to the individual. Are there many people serving life in prison for murder that would say something like "I would never have done it had CP been applicable to me in this state." I'd have to assume there aren't.

I also think our society in general has a strange view of how horrible each murder is in regards to another. For example a man who kills his wife, eh..happens all the time. A drunk driver kills someone...whoops, shouldn't have drank so much. Someone stabs someone a couple times because they cheated at poker...he deserved it. Someone is stabbed 50 times, that's horrible!

I think it would better deter murder to treat individual murders as just that...a murder. Each one is an equally horrible thing. Every time someone kills someone they always look at who to blame. The murderer always becomes another victim. This is a bit of a tangent though. I could go on others but I won't

I guess my point is murder is bad. Murderers know this as well. If they were a %100 sure that they would get caught and the max sentence was 10 yrs they most likely still wouldn't do it. But they are not thinking about a guilty verdict, in fact I would assume that most are pretty sure that they will never get caught in the first place. Anyway, I will be glad to hash this out with you or crisina or molly tonight. I have many other problems with CP as well as life in general that we can talk about.

Mike said...

Hmm, interesting thoughts. I decided to just write a whole blog about that article too :)