Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Mom's Dog Sings

This video is from Thanksgiving back in H-Town, but I kept forgetting to post it. So my mom's goldendoodle, Marley, has this trick/weird habit of spontaneously breaking out in song when my mom's cell phone rings. It's strange, but cute.

The film of Marley's antics is below. Be patient, the first thirty seconds are waiting for my mom how to figure out her cell phone. If you can get past that, a treasure awaits you...

On another note, I am still in Seattle. I seriously love this city. It is so cute. Even with the rain. However, I will be getting some sun tomorrow, as I'm heading to "The Dale" as my sister calls it. Otherwise known as Scottsdale, Arizona. Again. I love winter break.

1 comment:

Anna Rickert said...

Aw that is so cute. But I don't know which impresses me more... the dog singing or the witty banter before the dog singing.