Thursday, January 15, 2009

Amazing. Inauguration, Here I Come

After literally an entire day of searching and thoroughly working my connections, I have found somewhere to stay in Washington, D.C. What this means, is that I am actually going to attend Obama's Inauguration on Tuesday. HOOLLLYY CRAP. I am so excited. It seems to good to be true. Additionally, I get to go to one of the inaugural balls. I would like to give Sarah K. a shout out for making my dreams a reality. Thank you Sarah. And God, of course.

Wow. This is ridiculous! I have to buy a ball gown. My ball gown will be subsidized by the government of course - thank you federal loans. So far, the government has helped fund the following purchases:

1) Britney Spears tickets
2) Plane tickets to Portland, Seattle & Phoenix
3) Tickets to an Inaugural Ball
4) A ball gown
5) Christmas presents
6) Oh yeah, and of course, student service fees:)

Thank you government. I will pay you back when I can. I would also like to thank my professors for so generously giving me the opportunity to miss classes the first week of school. Wow. I still feel like this is too good to be true. Ok. Onto buying plane tickets. Obamanos baby.

DISCLAIMER: I am joking about the government money thing so do not take me seriously and take away my student loans. Thank you.

1 comment:

Laura Ibsen said...

That's amazing - I'm so excited for you!