Thursday, June 21, 2007

No More Falling In Love: I Can't Afford It

Excuse me, I have a bone to pick here. Every time I look on the good ‘ol FB, another couple of my “friends” are engaged. OK people time to stop getting married. Particularly my close friends, if you could not get married for awhile that would be great. Unless you want me to a) not have friends, b) be completely broke from wedding activities. Come on friends, think of others here!!!

Friends that are getting married this summer: Do not be offended, you know I love going to your festivities, weddings are a blast, but pile one on top of the other and pretty soon my financial security collapses. I mean we have bachelorette parties, showers, pre-wedding parties, rehearsals, the weddings themselves etc… This summer isn’t even bad. I only have two weddings to go to. Both of which, mind you, I am very excited about.

Last summer, however, was a different story. I had a ridiculous amount of weddings to attend that left me in the debtor’s prison. And I didn’t even have to pay for the wedding I was actually in. I can’t imagine what shape I would have been in if I had. Thank you Tessa!! This gets me thinking, maybe people should get married when they are older, because then their friends will have more money to spend on them. None of this post-college-grad-broke sort of thing to deal with. I mean, you graduate and are faced not only with looming college debt, but also with the cost of others falling in love. Yeah, if you could not fall in love until like 2013, I would really appreciate it.

Oh, another thing about weddings is the time. See you not only have to go to the wedding, but all the activities surrounding the wedding. That’s like, every weekend in the summer if you have six to go to like I did. Seriously! And I only caught the bouquet once! I want my money back! (JK LOVE YOU ALL).

Ok I’ll stop complaining now. Because all in all, weddings are fun to attend, in moderation of course. I’m actually going to a bachelorette party this weekend which will be a blast. Plus it’s fun getting all dolled up, putting on your dancing shoes and wrapping up your presents in little silver bows. And sometimes, when the bride and the groom say “I do,” I actually forget about myself for a moment and are overjoyed at their happiness.

I know hard to believe, but true :)


Laura Ibsen said...

Don't worry Beanie - most of the people we know seem to be A) engaged or B) hopelessly single. After this next batch of wedding, we should be home free for a good two years or so. Wait, since we're both in the "B" boat, that may not be the best news...

Colleen said...


Mike said...

That was a very excited lol with a very sad ellipsis.